We hold a comprehensive registry of the llamas that are owned by our members, for identification, pedigree and health purposes.

The Benefits of Membership
Llama Health Guidance

Information sheets and guidelines on husbandry, welfare and health are issued to new members.  The BLS publishes up-to-date information and guidance on best practice in relation to preventing disease e.g. scmallenberg virus, foot & mouth and TB.  The information is available in printed format and online. Health and welfare bulletins are sent regularly to all members via email.

Member Information and Support

The BLS has a variety of resources that are only a phone call, mouse click or drive away, all available to you.  No matter where you are we can help you when you need it.  Questions and concerns can be discussed in our members’ area or in our closed Facebook group.

Facebook Group
Society members can join a closed Facebrook group where events, photos and items of interest may be exchanged. Most importantly it is a forum where you can ask questions on any aspect of llama husbandry or health issues and elicit a response from experienced members. This forum has greatly aided many members since it was set up.
Veterinary Input

The BLS liaises with The British Veterinary Camelid Society, the meetings of which are an important source of information for our members.

BVCS usually holds an annual conference for camelid vets which often includes international speakers. Some of these conferences include a camelid owners day with talks and workshops lead by camelid vets. These conferences are part sponsored by the charity, British Camelids Ltd.

Society shows and attendance at agricultural events give you a chance to show your animals.  Insurance for your animals at key events is covered by the BLS.


Four colour magazines a year containing helpful articles, updates, photos and member communications are delivered to your door, both within the UK and abroad.


The BLS helps with rehoming and has a board director who is dedicated to this task.  We also run a welfare fund that is used to benefit llamas that are in trouble.

The BLS represents the interests of llamas and their owners at a national and international level, promoting llamas in all their varied uses to the public. A director liaises directly with DEFRA/Animal Health and the NFU on camelid issues.
We hold a comprehensive registry of the llamas that are owned by our members, for identification, pedigree and health purposes.


Donations for the BLS Llama Welfare and Rescue Fund are always gratefully received.  More information can be obtained from: Gwen Winters (Treasurer)