You don’t need to own
a Llama to join us!
Welcome to
The British Llama Society
The perfect place for owners, breeders and lovers of llamas
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Established in June 2006, The British Llama Society (BLS) was set up to promote all aspects of llama and guanaco ownership as well as setting standards for good husbandry, breeding, trekking, driving, showing and much more.


The BLS publishes a glossy quarterly magazine and operates a registration system for llamas, guanacos, vicunas and camels. So, not only is it the perfect place for people who own or breed llamas, guanacos, vicunas and camels, it’s a great way to interact with these animals if you don’t own any yourself. 

 Come and see the various membership packages and pick the perfect one for you or a loved one as a gift.