The Benefits of Registration

The British Llama Society maintains a database to enable members to register (and non-members who chose to so register) their llamas, crossbreeds, guanacos, camels and vicunas, thus giving each animal a unique reference number to enable identification of that animal.

It is strongly recommend by the BLS that each registered animal is microchipped. This facilitates recognition of an animal regardless of its physical appearance. Such identification is of huge benefit to new owners who wish to know the parentage and history of an animal new to them. Furthermore, microchipping becomes an essential tool in proving true ownership if animals are stolen or escape and also if they are found to have a notifiable illness, from this identification it facilitates tracing its contacts.

Ear tags

The BLS does not recommend the use of ear tags because they can result in torn ears.

Camelids are browsers and they are liable to catch their ears in hedges and fencing.

Camelids challenge one another and sometimes play in a boisterous manner, biting or holding on to another animal’s ears and causing the potential for ear tags to be ripped out.


Registration enables a history of the animal and its parentage to be constructed. Such identification is of benefit to new owners and to those who wish to breed for type, colour, confirmation and temperament.

Defra and AHVLA

The BLS regularly receives requests for information from DEFRA and the AHVLA. We are expected to have accurate and up-to-date records of the numbers and distribution of llamas, crossbreeds, guanacos, camels and vicunas within the UK.

Upon request, general data trends such as the overall number of animals and typical herd size are passed to DEFRA or the AHVLA.



Donations for the BLS Llama Welfare and Rescue Fund are always gratefully received.  More information can be obtained from: Gwen Winters (Treasurer)